OMNIBLEND Blender Review UK with Discount Code Included

BREAKING NEWS: This week I finally got a new blender, not just any blender either! After going through 4 blenders in as many months, and being blender-less for 2 months made me realise that I really needed to do some research into blenders, you may remember the blog post I wrote about being on the search for the perfect blender. Well , now I think I've found it in the amazing OmniBlender!

It arrived on Tuesday right before I was due to go to work,  before I trotted out the front door i made a frozen banana , almond milk, blueberry smoothie which was heavenly- I took it to work, everyone was envious and said how delicious it looked. In the evening I made raw butternut squash Cashew nut soup,- Pauly my fiancee fell in love with this, and wants me to make it again tomorrow! Wednesday I made Tomato & Basil soup for lunch which was amazing, although I free styled it and added too much onion so it was very zinging and potent, Thursday was Passion fruit, Kiwi, Papaya and Mango smoothies to take to work, Thursday I made Protein balls and guacamole - All of them were sooooo quick and simple to make, made me feel like a raw chef in a fancy restaurant. 

Normally ( before I got my OmniBlend I would feel like I was preparing stuff for hours- not anymore - super fast prep! 

I really, really feel that by having the right blender such as the OmniBlend, raw food is made  quick compared to using a food processor or 'kitchen' style blender, normally it takes me 10 minutes to make guacamole, but in the OmiBlend it takes me around 2 minutes! YAY- time saving!

One of the best things I've made is almond milk, super quick and simple. Handful of almonds, no need for soaking, 2 tbsp Agave and water - around 1 litre, and blend for 30 seconds. DONE and super smooth just like the Alpro one I love! 

Compared to other High Speed Blenders:

There isn't much in the way of differences when comparing the OmniBlend compared with the Vitamix, other than the Vitamix takes around 10 seconds less to blend certain things. The other main comparison is the price! The Omni Blend is £219-259 , compared with the Vitamix ranging around £550+ 

The OmniBlend had 6 different settings, 3 speed settings and two preset settings lasting a different amout of time, 30, 60 and 90  seconds, with an option to 'pulse' your ingredients too, I've always had blenders with buttons so I'm used to this, and I  actually prefer this,  to the dial option on some blenders as I feel they're easy to knock but I think the dial version has some pro's as you can start it really slow also, and build up. 

Check out the OmniBlend website for more info! If you are interested in loosing weight or if your aiming to be more healthy,  I have a discount code: 7off to save you a little,  remember delivery is free also, click here to see more.  Just enter 7off into the code box 

I can't wait to show you what else I've been making in the OmniBlend ! Amazing machine!!!!!!


  1. That looks amazing ! Wow! I really want one for £219+ as my blenders broke too!

  2. Hi, can you tell me if it makes smoothies as smooth as shop bought and hummus as creamy ?!

  3. This is what I need after just moaning my blender doesn't work!!!!!! Thanks Eco MOm! x

  4. Vegan mummy of 429 October 2013 at 05:11

    I'm so glad you shared this ! Great news!

  5. Ohhhhh that's what you were talking about ehen I had my last appointment with you ! When I rebook you will have to give me more info . I've been using goodness direct since last month :)

    Happy Chantelle . Thanks x

  6. I love this post !!! I need a new blender too :) yay .... Pay day can't come quick enough .

  7. I saw your chick pea video on Instagram ! wOw? I thought it was amazing , can you make other flours ? Like rice , coconut etc?

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