Shropshire , Wrekin Organic Wholefoods - health shop specialising in organic fruit, vegetables, juicing , vegan, raw food . Veg box delivery within Telford, Wellington .

If you live in Shropshire there's a shop that I discovered thanks to my friend Erica called Wrekin Organic Wholefoods- which is located in Wellington. (Behind the old music shop that has sadly closed down . ) - just off Tan Bank. 

The shop is a humble little thing, run by two of the loviest people you could meet that are inspiringly passionate about food, health, having a happy clean lifestyle through the nutrients  you fuel your body with. 

Calm & Roy the shop owners deal directly with all suppliers ( they were explaining to me and the boys ,)  they were also explaining they , like me, feel totally frustrated that eating clean and healthy costs so much . We agree!!!! 
Feeding a family of four isn't cheap when you want an organic Wholefoods diet . 

Their answer was to set up Wrekin Organic Wholefoods, to try and help people have local access to Organicly produced , meat , vegetables , cheese, raw milks, organic free range eggs, everything organic, lots of vegan foods, vegetarian foods , but also specialising in allergy diets for people who suffer from food allergies . 

They stock all my favourite brands, Orgran, Meridan, Biona, Nutiva, Nakd, Trek, and many others . They aldo stock lots of local brands too, which is brilliant for food miles.

 Wrekin organic Wholefoods also do a veg box scheme where you basically tell them what you want in it before Wednesday evening, and then the Thursday they go to a local Organic farm and collect it for you then deliver if you're local enough ! 

As soon as our organic veg runs out we will be stopping our supermarket shops and focusing on getting it directly from them and the farmers as I don't trust super markets ( Wholefoods Market is slightly different ) but I'd rather support local people anyway . Especially since Roy and Calm are so unbelievably passionate and excited about what they are doing . 

Pauly and I said yesterday that sometimes we feel like we are going crazy with all the propaganda in the ' media' and around the world, that we feel WE are deemed the crazy ones , looked down on because we want a cleaner, natural, healthier life away from medical intervention and the fast paced , uncivil , unconscience - food obsessed world we've become . We want to give ourselves and our children, who are developing at a rate we can't believe the best chance for optimal health , and we know and believe that we're doing the right thing . 

Roy is also a nutricianist, and has been for decades, he has such a deep understanding of how to heal your body with food and nutrician that his energy is infectious - and he has so much passion about what he does . So he's able to give great advice and recommend things and changes you can make to have the best output from your body . 

They also have a little corner of books and CDs for sale which is brilliant as I'm always trying to learn and reeducate myself about the foods we think are safe, and healthy, mostly they are as I've never really been one for lots of unhealthy-ness , it makes me feel emotionally unstable , lethargic , weary, tired, and lots of other things! 

This place isn't just a food shop, it's a really enchanting inspirational humble oasis of informed choice, thoughtfulness and amazing quality food and drink . 

What's your favourite local health shop ? How do you prefer to buy ? 


  1. That's great news! I live in Newport and will be popping along to see this store ! Thanks Eco moma

  2. I go to the one in the market in Newport , it's got lots of local stuff

    1. It's really good value too , Eco mom . 10:44am

  3. Hi !!!! I love your blog , we go to one in bath, just a local little shop , it's humble like yours !

    Mai loe

    1. Hello maii

      That sounds lovely ! Thank you for stopping by !

  4. We go to wholefoods Oliver's , in Richmond ! It's been there forever :) Sam x

    1. I've been there before ! It's a great little place ! They do in store things I believe demos and such :-)


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