Juicing for weight loss and health | juicing to heal and cure your body| what is the best juicer to buy ?

We've been juicing for some time now , and in that time we've come to love it . Pauly can't go a day without having a juice or two , but I have been having them every few days . Lately however in this last week since picking our own veg and fruit I've been having one or two a day, mostly beet & orange or free juice .

My main love of juicing is the enzymes and the things you get from eating veg you wouldn't normally eat in a raw form traditionally, although that said we eat most veg raw in salads now, kale, broccoli, beet, etc.

Today I went to an ALL organic Wholefood shop where we live , it was so refreshing to talk to others about juicing and the different ways of juicing from the veg pressing to the centrifugal juicers ( whole fruit ) juicers we have today. . 

One of the things I've not made my mind up on yet is juicing diets, like the film Sick Fat and Almost dead , I love the passion in the film, and I love people like my friend Bill Barlow ( youTube his channel - he's a lovely guy ) I'm not sure i could personally just juice 24-7 for weeks .... Because my body needs protein , I know you can get a ton of protein through veg but I mean 70-80g a day if possible ! 

I'm going to start trying to figure out however how much protein is in my juices, and other minerals and vitamins, so I will report back soon!

Juicing before work at 7 am in the morning, My nurse top now swomps me as I've lost almost 3 stone!

( work juice in a cute jam jar !) 

Are you a fan of juicing ? 

What's the best juicer to get ? 

I get asked this a lot ..... The best ones are most expensive but you can get ones for £100-200 that are really good too ! I plan on investigating this more , so I can give you a really in depth break down of different juicers, but first I need to try different ones out. 

We had a Phillips juicer , and it was a Whole Fruit type one. It's good if you only want to juice once or twice a day, but we've been juicing 6,7,8,9 times a day since we really have gotten into it & the boys love it too !

 We needed something more industrial, so we bought a 2nd hand GreenLife one, now called GreenStar , they're £550+  new. I will let you know how we get on with it ! 


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