Weight loss , Veganism, breast feeding And bodies !

Weight .

You know weight, the number on the scale that we use to judge our selves by ?
 Those little numbers that can sometimes determine how we feel about our bodies .

Something " weird " has been going on just lately with my body, and I was talking to my trainer about it yesterday , Gareth Conell , and he was explaining about metabolism , fat, muscle etc , which I plan on writing more about when I have a better full understanding . 

I often wonder if breast feeding speeds up your weight loss , slows it down or after a while of feeding keeps the rate the same ?! I'm thinking after 2 yrs it keeps it roughly the same? 

I was asking what Gareth would expect my weight loss to be now I've lost 2 stone & started training with him 2-3 times a week , he said that 2-3 pounds a month would be about right , as we're trying to rebuild muscle as well as loose fat . 

I'd been feeling ever so slightly grumpy about not " loosing " any weight over the last 3 weeks . 

Today whilst trying to find a smart outfit to wear for some work I was doing , I put on a old shirt that I had never been able to get in to post Opeie .

 Today It was too big - I mean baggy all over , and looked like a pyjama top. Strange I thought as I'd tried it on around 3-4 weeks ago. 

So I know I've toned/ and lost "weight" / fat , but it's not showing up on the scales. 

Either way , I know I'm eating right , moving right and I'm working on timing food groups right . 

My unofficial target is to loose 3 lbs over the next month , sounds easy but i don't think it will be now I've lost the first 29lbs, the last part can be the toughest I hear ? 

My concentration is going on be one three main things over the coming weeks as I feel I've let a few fundamentals slip. 

1) protein intake - upping it Abit 
2) timing my meals better / carb curfew
3) drinking my 3 litres of water 

Here's a picture of some basil as it makes me happy . :-) - I can't go a post without a picture ! 


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