My Love of WholeFoods and the Wholefoods Market Cheltenham

Yesterday for a lunch time treat we popped to WholeFoods Market Cheltenham.It is simply the best place to shop for food if you love the best healthy, tasty, fresh and vegan food. Even if you're not vegan it's still the best because it has everything you could wish for!

I LOVE the Wholefoods diet that I've been on ( I don't mean the wholefoods Market diet , but eating wholefoods.. if you get me!?) anyway, we sat down to a really lovely but slightly naughty lunch. I had the Vegan Pizza that they offer, and some linguini , I rarely have wheat so it was a 'treat', I'm not keen on eating loads of Gluten-y foods.

 Before the Pizza & Linguini

Opeie always loves our trips to Wholefoods, he calls it the 'OOOOhhhh Tasty Shop"  I totally get why, and he always knows exactly what he wants from the Cafe, the staff remember him everytime and make a real fuss.

The lunch time treat / cafe visit wasn't the only thing, but I wanted to hang out with my new buddy and chat about all kinds of stuff. We chatted for a while about all kinds of things, how not many people are willing to open their minds to a Vegan way of thinking, and how all the time on Facebook I'm constantly getting comments on how it's 'dangerous!' and given uncalled for lectures on B12, Protein and Amino Acids etc.

If I had the money, I'd spend thousands in Wholefoods Market, it's my perfect shop ( minus the fact it doesn't have Daiya! But i'm working on that) I love the unusual foods you can get from there, and the yummy recipes they have floating around the store.

As for my Wholefoods diet, It's been going really well, this last week came to a bit of a halt when my Bobble filter stopped working, and I was waiting for my new bank card, thus couldn't get one off Amazon. I usually try and drink a fair bit everyday, but never feel thirsty, unless it's the middle of the night and I've been feeding Opeie lots - which always happens, but in the day, nothing. Never feel thirsty!

I'm trying to experiment more with more pulses, and things, this week I made a mean red lentil , carrot, cumin and corriander soup. I will post the recipe here one of the days, Oh boy it was good, and so filling! Packed with proteins too.

I managed to pick up a bunch of new stuff to try, along with some oldies I can't live without. Even tried some of the Bessant and Drury ice cream, which was very lovely.

Today I'm going to order a Vegan cook book, I keep looking at this one:

But I've read/ heard really mixed reviews, so I'm not really sure. Apparently it has few pictures, which I like to look at, as my brain reacts better to images than words.

Another I've read is good if your trying to loose weigh is the 'Appetite for reduction book. Which I'm sure would be interesting, just hope it doesn't contain loads of Soy.

What are your favourite Vegan cookbooks? I just want one that's not Japanesey /chinesey flavoured food, as that's not my thing. Just a wholesome , Wholefoods, wheat / gluten / soy free one, I'm not asking too much , surely? Ha!

Either way, no matter which book I buy, I will be sticking to my Wholefoods diet, and trying to cut out wheat too. I've lost around 1.5 stone so far, and still have around 11-20lbs to loose before I'll be confident going wedding dress shopping, which isn't the motivation I must add, I just want a clean body and mind.



  1. That ice cream looks lovely!

  2. i always wish they made trollies like that for adults so i could get my bf to push me around. great blog x

  3. I love that ice cream! I got it in chocolate from Tesco! Bet that pizza was very tasty too !!!! I'd recommend the fullest vegan cook book you mentioned! I love it !

  4. Love wholefoods! We eat at the one in London all the time. Divine!!! = Sarah & Joseph

  5. Mitchie and Sophie23 March 2013 at 09:25

    Hey! Saw your blog on methods Facebook - totally love it & the things you love are the same as me!

  6. I'm a method lover too ! Great post about whole foods ! I logs the place !

  7. I love WFM too !

  8. Just noticed these replies ! Thanks guys !!! I love WFM too !!! I really love the herb / spice bit And the cooking aisle :)


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